Fellowships & Awards
Halcyon Opportunity Intensive [Winter 2023]
LinkedIn Creator Accelerator: Tech & Innovation [Fall 2022]
Scale Your Passion for Baltimore Creative Entrepreneurs [Fall 2022]
SeedSpot DC for Impact-Driven Businesses [Spring 2019]
Winning awards in tech, project management, and entrepreneurship shows that she's a true powerhouse of talent and ambition. She is an excellent example of what can be achieved when you strive for excellence and don't let anything stand in the way of achieving your goals.
Halycon Opportunity Intensive
Loyola University Baltipreneurs
Morgan State University Baltimore Means Business
LinkedIn Creator Accelerator: Tech & Innovation
AWS Global Female CTO
SEED Spot - DC’ 19 Fellow
StartingBloc - DC’18 Fellow
2018 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Report - The Arizona Republic & USA Today [Team Member]
Women in IT, USA - Advocate of the Year 2018 Finalist
Eternal Flame Award: 15 Years of Outstanding Leadership - 2017
SH//FT Diversity Scholar to Oculus Connect 4 - 2017
Best of 2017, Consultant on LinkedIn
HersOwnly Pitch Competition Top 10 Finalist